


Sales is a fast-paced career - are you up f或者是 challenge? The Center 为 Sales and Sales Management at UW-欧克莱尔 prepares you to be a successful sales professional or sales manager.


The UW-欧克莱尔 Sales Team represents the university at collegiate sales competitions around the 美国 where they compete 为 prizes and meet prospective employers. Team members work hard and have fun. They meet weekly 为 individualized coaching that develops their sales and communication skills and enhances their self-confidence. The extra hours of practice pays off—100% of all team members who report have a job prior to graduation.

The team is supported by the Department of Management and Marketing, gifts from friends and corporate sponsors, and a grant from UW-欧克莱尔 Blugold承诺 funds.

Any UW-欧克莱尔 marketing major or minor may be part of the sales team. The team is selected in the spring semester f或者是 following academic year.


Our faculty help you develop your analytic and communication skills as well as your knowledge of marketing and sales. They've been there - they've experienced sales presentations, being told no and closing big deals. Their real-world sales experience and proven records of success give you valuable insight into the potential of your sales career.

In addition to course work and practical applications of skills in real-world situations, you'll also have the opportunity to work on community service projects, 获得实习机会, compete in sales competitions and participate in student organizations with a sales and marketing focus such as (PSE) 或者是 American Marketing Association (AMA).


UW-欧克莱尔 Center 为 Sales and Sales Management one of the  大学销售计划 
(Source: Sales Education Foundation)



把你的教育重点放在销售上, the professional sales emphasis can be added to your marketing major. You'll develop your oral persuasion, 建议准备, 谈判, relationship management and sales 为ce management skills, giving you a great advantage in the sales world.

Details of the major can be found in the 市场部 & 供应链管理.


Hit the Ground Running with a Sales Certificate

Because UW-欧克莱尔 is a member of the University 销售中心 Alliance (USCA), UW-欧克莱尔 students can participate in the USCA Certified Sales Student certificate program. You'll need to take extra course work and participate in additional sales activities, but your hard work will pay off when you hit the ground running in a career in sales.

View certificate program requirements


As part of a professional selling major, or as part of any program in the College of Business, internships are extremely valuable, 有时是必要的. 实习 shouldn't be taken 为 granted or expected either. There are requirements 为 eligibility, rein为cing the value of the internship. 很多次, it's your responsibility to find an internship, but the faculty and staff are here to help! 握手, the recruiting plat为m 为 UW-欧克莱尔 students, is  a great place to start looking.

You can also do an internship and get course credit 为 it. These are paid internships over the summer months, and are usually full time.

Learn more about the professional Sales Marketing Internship Program


Check out these sales competitions where Blugolds have a track record of taking home the trophy!

Learn more about the UW-欧克莱尔 Sales Team


Students in the Advanced Professional Sales class satisfy the university's service-learning graduation requirement by using their sales skills to raise money 为 a local non-profit. In 2021, 例如, 学生们筹集了超过53美元,000 in golf sponsorship's and prize donations f或者是 annual L.E. Phillips Career Development Center golf outing.



Schneider Social Science Hall 400D
欧克莱尔, WI 54701